Thursday, May 21, 2009

caleb is awesome installment #1

so we've been potty training pretty seriously for the last few weeks. somehow i got the not-so-brilliant idea to use m&ms as incentive. i say "not so brilliant" because if caleb goes potty when he wakes up in the morning, he ends up having m&ms with breakfast. if it's before naptime, then naptime is out of the picture and i have a wild child on my hands.
a friend of mine used stickers with her boys and when caleb hung out there on sunday he also got stickers for going on the potty. we have a new hit. (we still use m&ms but ONLY when he poops on the potty after he tells us he has to go. it doesn't count if we suggest it first). so now we have a piece of paper taped to the back of the bathroom door. after he goes, he gets to pick a sticker to put on the paper. usually he picks a big smiley face. last night he picked a blue ribbon. i thought it was odd today when he picked a little star and i was on the phone with my mom so we could all celebrate his victory together so i wasn't really paying attention to WHERE he put the sticker. i just found it. and here it is, his very own little creation:

notice that the star is almost smack-dab in the center? that's my boy!! :D

1 comment:

  1. Hello Michelle,

    I am sick but I wanted to write to you a little note. In 2007, I started taking care of an adorable 2-year old girl, Danielle, the daughter of the CEO of the company I worked for at that time, an elders focused caregiving company. I know that one of the greatest achievements we accomplished together, Danielle and I, was potty-training. What I did, to continue to further implement her already developing passion for reading, was performed reading-time on the potty. So, I would select some of her favorite books and have them ready near the potty for reading time together. She was completely potty-trained, for both #1 and #2, in just three days. It was amazing! Talking about this makes me miss her so much. Danielle and her family moved recently to New York. She had been one of the neatest friends I had and one of the most beautiful experiences I had in my life. I loved her dearly and writing about this makes me miss her so so much, but I wanted to give you another idea you may want to consider.

    Love your way,
    Carmen :D
